The Mintridge Foundation

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#FEELGOODFRIDAY Celebrating some wins this week with our London Landmarks community fundraisers

#FEELGOODFRIDAY Celebrating some wins this week with our London Landmarks community fundraisers

Who is fed up of reading, hearing and talking about COVID-19 yet? We certainly are. Restrictions are unlikely to be lifted in the next week or so, so we wanted to do some serious positive thinking and share some feel-good news on this #feelgoodfriday.

Sure, things are cancelled, we’ve got to stay at home and we haven’t seen our friends for a while. But, this isn’t forever and, furloughed or not, we bet you have all achieved something great in the last 7 days. We’d love to hear all about your little victories and wins of the week (#winoftheweek).

A little (ok, pretty big) Mintridge #winoftheweek is thanks to two of our amazing community fundraisers. They weren’t going to let a little thing like a worldwide pandemic get in the way of all their training and they certainly didn’t want to let everyone who sponsored them down. In true Mintridge style, they demonstrated resilience and problem solving and they decided to improvise!

The incredible Helen Longstaff ran a full 13.1 miles on a treadmill in her own home. She wanted to raise money through running the London Landmarks Half Marathon for the Mintridge Foundation because she knows from experience the benefits of engaging in sports and wanted to be able to help provide this to young people.

“I have always enjoyed and participated in a variety of sports and think the benefits of doing so, especially in young people, are huge.”

This extraordinary lady has raised £292 for the Mintridge Foundation but hasn’t quite met her target yet. Give her a little #winoftheweek by dontating and pushing her over her target here.

Our second winner this week is Martin Roberts. His reasons for wanting to raise money for Mintridge really struck a chord with us here at Mintridge HQ and really made us stop and reflect upon why we do what we do.

“I am supporting the Mintridge Foundation as sport and health has played a big part in my life, even more so since having children, as my lad was born with hearing issues.  This has had an impact on his speech and learning. He has also been diagnosed with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.  However he thrives at sport and outdoor activities, which we positively encourage.  Mont has been encouraged by fellow sportspeople we know to maintain his studies and keep trying new things.” 

When he learned that the London Landmarks Half Marathon was cancelled, he decided that the only possible solution was to row a full marathon in his own home. He absolutely smashed it and he smashed his fundraising target, raising an astounding £1553! We’re sure he would love to raise as much as possible so please donate here.

For some of you, running a half marathon or rowing a full marathon may not be achievable in your own home, but that doesn’t mean that you haven’t had your own #winoftheweek. Some of the Mintridge team’s wins this week have included growing a butternut squash plant, walking an average of 10km a day during daily exercise and general pottering around the house and the garden and undertaking some distance learning.

We’d love to hear your #winoftheweek on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Don’t forget to include the hashtag so we can give you the applause that you deserve.

Feeling inspired to get active but don’t know how at the moment? Minty has got some suggestions here, including Laura Sugar’s fantastic masterclass.

Support for your favourite charities is more important now than it has been for some time, as highlighted in The Times earlier this week. Your donations at this time are invaluable for us to carry on doing our important work and to allow us to keep young people active and motivated whether at home or at school as soon as they re-open.

You can pledge to support our charity here.

Or find out about other ways to support us here.



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