The Mintridge Foundation

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"We all have mental health, like we do physical health" - Mental Health First Aid Training with DOCIA Sport

We all have mental health, like we do physical health, and both are interlinked determining our wellbeing. Mental health is not binary – we aren’t well or ill – but its dynamic and changes due to our circumstances whether in everyday life or due to more exceptional incidents or events.

The application or provision of mental health first aid can often prevent a further deterioration in our wellbeing either in itself or through informed signposting to professional support.
At the Mintridge Foundation, we are committed to applying a duty of care not only to those within our charity but to those we work with, help and support. It was therefore important that we undertook mental health first aid training and did this through our partner DOCIAsport who’s MD Ian Braid is a qualified Mental Health First Aid (England) instructor alongside our partners at the Switch the Play Foundation.

DOCIAsport is available to deliver Mental Health First Aid courses (they can be delivered online in 4 half day sessions or, when circumstances, allow in a face to face environment over two days).

DOCIAsport will provide Adult Mental Health First Aid Provision Courses online for between 7 – 15 delegates.

If you have less than 7, don’t worry, DOCIAsport can add you to a cohort of other groups / individuals (where possible from a similar working environment).

A place on the course is £300 (a percentage of this is donated to the Mintridge & Switch the Play Foundations.

DOCIA Sport’s next Online Course will be held on:

20th October, 3rd November, 10th November and 17th November 2021 (10:00 - 13:00)

Are members of your organisation or club be interested?

If you would like further information, please contact Alex Wallace.

We recommend DOCIAsport as our delivery partner because of the support offered to the delegates not only around the course but afterwards as well as the mental health first aiders look to use their experience and knowledge.

Examples of feedback from delegates include the following;

“It has been invaluable, thank you. There is so much I have taken out of this for
both personal and professional life. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending this to others.”

“A great cohort made the programme delve deeper and seemed to fly by. Sharing lived experiences unlocked some critical learning. Very enjoyable and at times
quite deep and thought-provoking.” 

“I really enjoyed this course; the material was taught very well, and it was a safe
space to share my opinions. I am very grateful to have this opportunity of being
part of this.”

The feedback highlights that delegates gain more than just the mental health first aid training but also get the opportunity for more deeper insight through shared experience, reflection, and personal development.


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