Posts tagged Partnership
#THANKFULTHURSDAY The Sunday Times & The Times

The Sunday Times first learnt of The Mintridge Foundation when our founder, Alex Wallace (nee Paske) was awarded the Sunday Times Sportswoman of the Year - Grassroots award. This was a huge moment for Alex personally (for whom The Mintridge Foundation and the work they do is a passion) and a small charity such as The Mintridge Foundation. Little did she know at the time that this award would lead onto such an incredible partnership.

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#THANKFULTHURSDAY Corporate Partners Nibble Protein- Proving exercise and nutrition do go hand-in-hand

As all of our ambassadors know, exercise is only part of what gets you to your physical peak. Alongside exercise comes nutrition and fuelling your body with what it needs to function at such high levels. The relationship between nutrition and sport is also what links Nibble Protein and the Mintridge Foundation.

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Thankful Thursday- Corporate Partners, Bowbridge Homes

When you look up the definition of ‘thankful’, you will see the definition ‘happy or grateful because of something,’ or words to that effect. To say that we are ‘thankful’ to our corporate partners seems to be a little bit of an understatement though. Without their ongoing support, we would not be able to impact the lives of so many young people every year.

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