Mintridge Bronze Netball Programme with Sasha Corbin - Roedean School, March 2020


Mintridge Bronze Netball Programme with Sasha Corbin - Roedean School, March 2020

It was a wonderful day for Team Mintridge, as we returned to Roedean School for a jam-packed day of netball skills, drills, tactics and workshops with the amazing England Roses and Saracens Mavericks Superleague netball captain, Sasha Corbin.

Throughout the day, Sasha worked with the girls from Roedean and the visiting schools as part of this very special Bronze Netball Programme. The day began with a coaching and skills-based workshop from Sasha to prepare the girls for the tournament that would be happening later on in the afternoon. The students got to take part in some fun new netball skills and practices from our England Roses star. It was great for everyone to be actively involved in the session, as we battled with the wind on the beautiful Roedean cliffs, overlooking the beach. This certainly did not stop the effort and enthusiasm to get out and start playing!.

As the day progressed, Sasha went on to develop the girls defensive skills and encouraged them to keep possession in the mini workshops. The pupils stepped on court in mixed teams and worked with girls from other schools, which really demonstrated the power of sport and netball to bring people together and work towards their one common goal. Later on in the day, the girls took part in a netball tournament, which was a great opportunity for the girls to showcase their skills to Sasha, who was casting a watchful eye on the games.

In addition to the coaching sessions throughout the day, the students all gathered for an inspirational presentation and Q&A with Sasha, where they heard all about Sasha’s sporting story and the journey of resilience and come backs needed in the face of numerous set backs throughout her career. With some valuable advice about the opportunities that sport has given her, Sasha shared some expert tips, knowledge and words of wisdom to the young women in the room, who then went on to ask some excellent questions to Sasha. Some of the best questions were;

What inspired you to play netball?

When did you play your first match?

If you could tell yourself something at this age what would you say?

What has been your worst injury?

What has been your favourite match to play in?

How do you deal with the nerves?

As a captain of a team what’s your main tactic?

How do you deal with the negative comments after big competitions?

What would you tell your past self after experiencing your injuries?

After a great round of questions from the students, Sasha was ready for some fun group photographs with all of the students in their respective schools and even a few selfies.

Before the end of our day with the students at Roedean School, Sasha presented a handful of awards to those students that had shown skill, hard
work or determination throughout the games and they, received a Mintridge medal and certificate to take away with them. All the students had the chance to speak to Sasha about the day and each took away a signed autograph card.

We were delighted to be welcomed back to Roedean School to demonstrate the power of having such a positive role model like Sasha, in to visit and show the young women we worked with on the day that they are capable of anything if they don’t give up and work hard. It was so great for Sasha to be able to share her inspirational messages and experiences with all those who were involved in the day, from the students right through to the teachers and staff.

If you would like to see the photos from the day, please contact the staff at Roedean School. You can see the video from our day at our YouTube channel via this link:

We are looking forward to joining you again next year Roedean School and we hope to see all of the visiting staff and students again soon!


Team Mintridge