“If you can see it, you can believe it and then you can achieve it.” - Aspire, Achieve and Acclaim -Eboni Usoro-Brown inspired the students at The Ferrers School during their careers day.


“Each and every one of you can achieve your dreams and goals, you just need to give yourself a chance!”

Aspire, Achieve and Acclaim was the theme for our fantastic day with the staff and students at The Ferrers School, who invited Commonwealth gold medallist, qualified solicitor and Sky Sports commentator, Eboni Usoro-Brown to their careers day, to talk to the students throughout the day and inspire them on their own journeys to success.

The students at The Ferrers School, were all taking part in a whole range of events throughout their careers day, and the incredibly inspiring Eboni, was just one of the brilliant presentations that the students could attend to help them dream big and work towards their own goals. We were also delighted that our Founder, Alex Wallace, also delivered a day of presentations with The Ferrers School students about her experiences forming a charity and how the The Mintridge Foundation was born. This was a brilliant talk for the students to listen to and they learnt a lot from the journey that Alex has been on up to this point, which we know that many will be inspired by, especially if they are thinking of starting their own business or charity.

When talking about the beginning of her life and career, Eboni told the students, “I started exactly where you are, on my careers day, questioning what I wanted to do. Never would I have imagined I would be standing here as a lawyer and Commonwealth gold medallist…anything is possible!”

This was an eye opener for the students, who very quickly realised that Eboni was someone who had achieved big, but had started the road to success in exactly the same position as them.

Eboni spoke a lot about her journey to becoming a qualified solicitor and the choices she had to make a long the way to make that happen. It was very encouraging for the students to hear how Eboni had put herself in the right position to become successful and had worked very hard to balance and achieve this alongside her sporting commitments too.

It was at this point, that Eboni was asked by the students, “How did you get noticed?”. At a time in their lives where the students are unsure about the path they will choose and how they can possibly compete with the thousands of other people trying to achieve the same things as them, Eboni gave some great words of advice to the students in order to give them confidence when trying to pursue a career.

“You don’t always have to be the best or be winning, it is the desire and the commitment to do well that will get you to where you want to be.”

Towards the end of each of the presentations, Eboni gave the students the opportunity to ask questions and also walked around the group so they could speak to her on a one on one basis, and share her words of wisdom with them. Some of the best questions from the students on this careers day were;

How old were you when you started playing netball?

What position do you play?

If you did not play netball, would you have a different choice of sport to take part in?

How can I get noticed at a trial or interview?

How do you handle pressure and nerves?

What self- talk do you use to keep you motivated and on task?

Do you have any advice for me if I don’t know what I want to do and I can’t choose the courses for the job I want to do?

The students at The Ferrers School were incredibly inspired by Eboni and her words of advice about taking opportunities, working hard towards your goals and opening your eyes to new things, that can all help you on your own individual path to success.

We are very grateful to the staff for helping to organise this brilliant careers day programme with Eboni and we hope that the students go on to achieve great things on their own journeys. It has been a brilliant week visiting the staff and students at The Ferrers School. You can read all about the day we had with the amazing Marliyn Okoro earlier in the week here.

We look forward to visiting you all again soon.

If you are interested in a virtual or physical Programme with Eboni Usoro-Brown or any of our other inspirational Ambassadors, then please get in touch via the Mintridge website at www.mintridgefoundation.org.uk or with Katie at katie@mintridge.org.uk.

The Mintridge Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to enhancing life skills in young people through sport. We provide a support network for young people by harnessing the power of positive sporting role models. The Mintridge Foundation assists young people of all ages, abilities, and physical capabilities to develop confidence and resilience, and creates awareness of the importance of mental and physical wellbeing through sport.

Our team of Ambassadors - Olympians, Paralympians and other professional sports stars from over 20 sports, both team and individual - work with young people in schools, clubs and academies across the UK. Starting with visits including assemblies, coaching clinics and classroom sessions tailored to each organisation’s requirements, our ambassadors can then provide one- on- one remote mentoring in a safeguarded environment, delivered via technology such as FitSwarm and Playwaze to build a lasting legacy for individuals.

The Mintridge Foundation’s successes demonstrate the incredible power of sport; from a mentee’s selection to represent Great Britain in their chosen field to enabling disabled children to find confidence and happiness just through participation. Understanding life after sport, we also support our Ambassadors in their transition from active sport to the next stage of their careers.

To find out more about the Mintridge Foundation, please contact Alex Wallace.