The Gatwick Community Trust Virtual Silver Mintridge Mentoring Programme with Fil Kamps

Team Mintridge made a virtual trip to Imberhorne School today, with the amazing Fil Kamps who delivered an inspirational presentation to their year nine students as part of a very special Silver Mentoring Programme.
This programme was generously supported by the Gatwick Airport Community Trust, who dedicates their work to support local communities and funding of specific projects. The Trust kindly chose to support the Mintridge Foundation and this Programme for Imberhorne School, so we can continue to deliver our programmes across the country and support young people during this difficult time.
Fil is now a retired athlete but has had an incredible sporting journey to reach the point that he is at today and has dealt with many highs and lows throughout his sporting career. Fil has a hearing impairment, and from a young age, Fil did not let his hearing impact his determination to get on with life. Throughout his presentation, Fil spoke about how he enjoyed break and lunch times at school because it was the time he got to go out to the field and play football, highlighting the fact that it was the only time where he didn’t have to worry about being able to hear what the teachers or his class mates were saying. Fil’s passion for the game grew from this age and throughout his youth, Fil looked up to players on the television and dreamt of playing for England one day.
“Playing football was an escape from the challenges I was facing each day.”
Fil continued playing football through school and during his time at university, where he continued to balance his high-level football training and playing whilst also studying for his degree and his masters, which he went on to complete in America. Fil stressed to the students that, “if you want to pursue a lifelong dream, you must work hard for it and make sacrifices along the way as success does not come easy.”
Throughout his presentation, Fil spoke about dealing with failure and overcoming setbacks. Fil related these topics to his own sporting story and his feelings when he was not selected for the squad for European Championships. Fil highlighted how difficult it is to turn a corner and believe in yourself, when someone tells you cannot do something, but that it is important to be resilient whilst dealing with these setbacks and bounce back from the low points in your life.
Fil got the students thinking this with some imagery, “life is like a bow and arrow, you have to get up from a setback, be resilient and aim towards your success.”
As well as talking about the lessons we can from sport, Fil spoke to the students about dealing with anxiety and bullying. He taught the students to always think about the “why worry” philosophy of accepting the things that you cannot change and to have courage to change the things you can. In relation to bullying and behaviour, Fil emphasised how difference does not mean inferiority and how it is so important to build people up and support each other rather than knocking them down. Fil wanted the students to, “dream big, work hard and stay humble” in everything they do.
The students from Imberhorne School then asked Fil some great questions throughout the day, including;
How did you know what your dream was?
Do you have a role model?
Where did you find the motivation to carry on after your set backs?
Who inspires you?
How important was sleep and diet in your football career?
What advice would you give someone who is preparing for a major competition?
At the end of the presentation part of this exciting Mintridge Silver Programme, the teachers from Imberhorne selected a small group of students to be mentored by Fil over the next six months. We are very excited to see these mentees grow and learn from Fil’s incredible inspirational sporting journey.
Thank you to the teachers and students at Imberhorne School, for allowing Team Mintridge to virtually visit your school today. We are also extremely grateful to the Gatwick Community Trust for supporting this Programme and enabling us to support the students at Imberhorne.
If you are interested in a Programme with Fil Kamps or any of our other Mintridge Ambassadors, or you are interested in a Virtual or Physical Programme with one of our team of inspirational Ambassadors, then please get in touch via the Mintridge website at or with Katie at
Team Mintridge