Jordan Jarrett - Bryan inspires students at Laxton Junior School and Oundle School with a fantastic Wheelchair Basketball Programme


“Being a professional athlete helped me to be a journalist. I have empathy and compassion for the people I work with because I know what it’s like to be in their shoes in those high-pressure environments.”

We were so excited to join the students at Laxton Junior School and Oundle School for our fantastic day of wheelchair basketball with the amazing former GB Junior wheelchair basketball captain and Channel 4 sports presenter, Jordan Jarrett - Bryan. 

Laxton Junior School teamed up with Oundle School for this programme and invited Team Mintridge and Jordan to deliver a fantastic day of wheelchair basketball, with a little help from Jay from Make Change, to inspire them all to do their best but also to be their best. 

Our day started off on a high at Laxton Junior School and Jordan got the students ready and motivated for a fun-filled day of wheelchair basketball with an inspirational presentation. Jordan talked all about his experience as a player, his recent experiences in Tokyo for the Paralympic Games and also his experiences of loneliness as the main theme for Mental Health Awareness Week. The students loved hearing all about his role as a GB junior wheelchair basketball captain but also his journey through sport, as someone who has a disability and how he has used his support network around him to overcome loneliness and the challenges he has faced.   

As someone who is constantly on the move, busy with work and also working with so many different people, Jordan encouraged all of the students to take a moment to think more about the people around them and how a simple question like, how are you, could really change the way someone feels about themselves and their day.

After the presentation, the students asked Jordan some questions, so they could learn more about his life and the sport he loves. Those questions were:

Have you been to the Paralympics? 

What made you choose to play wheelchair basketball? 

Who was your favourite person to interview? 

What was your favourite team to play with? 

What different disabilities do basketball players have?

As the day went on, the students relished the chance to take part in some fun but challenging wheelchair basketball sessions, where they learnt more about using the wheelchair and shooting some hoops, with the help of Jordan and Jay.

The students demonstrated their growth mindset skills throughout these activities and kept persevering when trying to handle the basketballs and the chairs, and every student left our fantastic wheelchair basketball programme feeling inspired and motivated to try something new and always get involved. Each student also received a signed autograph card from Jordan and some students even received a special certificate and medal to celebrate their attitude in the session.

It was so great to see the Laxton Junior School staff getting involved in our day too with a staff game during the lunch break…which was very competitive!

The fun continued for Team Mintridge, Jordan and Jay, as we then travelled over to Oundle School to work with their Sports Scholar students for our final session of the day. The students really enjoyed listening and learning from Jordan during his opening presentation and speech and also learning more about the sport itself in the practical sessions.

Jordan talked to the students about the ups and downs in sport and the pressures that are involved in being an elite athlete and also a high performer. In a world where these students have the potential to achieve great things as players and participants in their chosen sports, Jordan emphasised how amazing sport can be to open up a whole host of opportunities and the careers that are available to you if you choose to take them.

During the practical sessions, the students learnt so much about themselves and their abilities to adapt and persevere but also gained a greater understanding of what a wheelchair basketball athlete is capable of and the work they do to perform at their best.

Towards the end of the session, after a few quick team photograph, the students asked Jordan questions about his life and how he has dealt with pressure and expectation in the past and what motivates him on a daily basis.

We hope that Jordan’s words of wisdom and experiences so far have helped the sports scholars see their own potential and the work they need to do to make it to the top in their chosen sport or career.

We are so grateful to Laxton Junior School and Oundle School for inviting Team Mintridge to join their students for the day and we hope the students gained a lot from their day with Jordan and Jay from Make Change. 

If you would like to see the photos and video from our day, please contact the staff at Laxton Junior School and Oundle School.

We can’t wait to see you all again soon!  


Team Mintridge

If you are interested in a virtual or physical Programme with Jordan Jarrett -Bryan or any of our other inspirational Ambassadors, then please get in touch via the Mintridge website at or with Katie.

The Mintridge Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to enhancing life skills in young people through sport. We provide a support network for young people by harnessing the power of positive sporting role models. The Mintridge Foundation assists young people of all ages, abilities, and physical capabilities to develop confidence and resilience and creates awareness of the importance of mental and physical wellbeing through sport.

Our team of Ambassadors - Olympians, Paralympians and other professional sports stars from over 20 sports, both team and individual - work with young people in schools, clubs and academies across the UK. Starting with visits including assemblies, coaching clinics and classroom sessions tailored to each organisation’s requirements, our ambassadors can then provide one- on- one remote mentoring in a safeguarded environment, delivered via technology such as FitSwarm and Playwaze to build a lasting legacy for individuals.

The Mintridge Foundation’s successes demonstrate the incredible power of sport; from a mentee’s selection to represent Great Britain in their chosen field to enabling disabled children to find confidence and happiness just through participation. Understanding life after sport, we also support our Ambassadors in their transition from active sport to the next stage of their careers.

To find out more about the Mintridge Foundation, please contact Alex Wallace.