Virtual Silver Mentoring Programme is a smash hit for budding young mentee and her Mintridge Ambassador mentor Liz Cann


“I really appreciate all that Mintridge has done for me, I truly wouldn’t have thought I would ever have the chance to get an amazing experience like this…It’s been an incredible programme and will definitely benefit so many other people.”

These are just some of the words from one mentee after our most recent, very successful six month remote Mintridge mentoring Programme.

During our remote Silver Mintridge Mentoring Programmes, our incredible team of Olympians, Paralympians and professional sports stars from over 20 different sports, dial in for a fortnightly call with the young people they are working with, as part of our extra special six month mentoring Programmes. As part of these mentoring Programmes our chosen Mintridge Ambassador, works on a bespoke Programme designed to meet the needs of the young person they are working with and help them to develop themselves in a holistic way, whether that be in a sport, academically or in their daily lives.

Using their breadth of knowledge from the pitches, pools, courts and international stages they have competed on, the Mintridge Ambassadors use their own experiences and journeys to the top of the podium, to help guide every young person on their own journey. The Ambassadors connect and relate to their mentees and refer to their wide range of experiences when discussing topics like leadership, working as part of a team, resilience, performing under extreme pressure, or goal setting on the way to the big dream, to facilitate six months of bespoke mentoring for their mentees.

Our most recent Mintridge Mentoring Programme was a huge success for our Commonwealth medallist and incredibly experienced Badminton champion, Liz Cann, and her talented and conscientious mentee from Howell’s School.

After listening to a talk delivered by our Mintridge Director, Alex Wallace, last year, Liz’s mentee got in touch with The Mintridge Foundation to see how she could enhance her own sporting journey, with the help of one of our amazing Ambassadors.

“If Alex didn’t do that talk in the Inspiring Females conference I would not have come across Mintridge, and would not have had the opportunity to do this, it really has had a big impact on my life.”

As part of this bespoke Mintridge Mentoring Programme, over the last six months of mentoring, Liz has focussed on specific topics and areas with her mentee, which they established together on their initial call. With some high aspirations and goals in mind, it was clear that there was lots that the two of them could work on together, including the specific physical skills that Liz could help her mentee with in badminton, but also the mental aspects that contribute to a successful match, tournament or major competition. Some of the areas that they have worked on have included;

Performing under pressure

Problem solving

Outwitting an opponent

Playing to win

Positive affirmations

Seizing the day and the opportunity

Staying focussed

Motivation on and off the court

Overcoming injuries and challenges

Goal setting

Time management

Throughout the six months of mentoring, Liz’s mentee has made detailed notes that she can keep forever, as a reminder of the work that they have been doing over this six month period, but also as a reminder that she can overcome any of the challenges she may face along her own journey.

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The progress from the first call to the last has been phenomenal for Liz’s mentee and as part of this journey she has been selected to represent Great Britain as part of the U18 Softball squad. Although this is a different pathway to what was originally intended, we know that Liz’s mentee has an exciting sporting journey ahead of her.

During their final Skype mentoring call, Liz gave her mentee the chance to ask any questions that she thought might help her on her own journey. These are just some of the questions that was asked to our Ambassador, Liz Cann by her Howell’s school mentee. I think if we all had the chance to be mentored by a role model and sporting Ambassador like Liz, our questions would come pretty close to these ones too.

“What is the most important thing that you think I need to work on to get the most out of my potential?”

"What was your most important match?"

"What would you do differently if you could go back and do it all again knowing everything you know now?"

If you could have remote access to a role model, who will have once taken a similar path to you and can add Commonwealth medallist and former Badminton champion to their title, what would you ask them?

Usually as part of our Silver mentoring Programmes, the mentees get the chance to meet their fantastic mentors as part of a Bronze Programme day, that would include a school visit, coaching sessions, assemblies and workshops. However, at the beginning of this mentoring Programme, due to the remote nature of the Programme, Liz and her mentee did not meet beforehand. At the end of six months of mentoring, they have developed a strong mentoring relationship that has been a pleasure for both Liz and her mentee to be a part of. We are looking forward to following the sporting and academic journey of this budding young mentee.

Here is what Liz’s mentee thought about her mentoring experience, which we couldn’t be more delighted to hear.

“Thank you so much Liz! You have helped me so much and you have really given me such valuable advice that is not just going to help me with badminton, but I will also be able to apply in so many different aspects in my life. I really appreciate all the time you have spent talking to me, it was really easy to open up and be honest with you. I found each session really focused and they always addressed things that were linked to my targets. I can already see such huge changes in my mindset and I’m sure that when I can get back on court I’ll see huge improvements too…”

We have loved working with Liz and her mentee on this journey and a special thanks goes to Howell’s School for supporting this Programme.

If you would like to know more about our wonderful Mintridge Mentoring Programmes that can be delivered remotely, or you are interested in a school or club visit from one of our Mintridge Ambassadors, then please get in touch with The Mintridge Foundation via any of our social media channels, or send an email to

Look out for more Mintridge mentoring stories over the next few months.

Team Mintridge