Mintridge and Limitless Virtual Presentation and Q&A Programme with the Limitless Ambassadors and Pamela Cookey

Mintridge and Limitless Presentation Programme with the Limitless Ambassadors
Team Mintridge were very excited to join the amazing new Limitless ambassadors this week to welcome them to their Limitless Ambassador Programme, that they have been selected for after applying through the Limitless application process at the end of last year. We were so pleased to be able to join the ambassadors with our very own Mintridge Ambassador and former England Netball captain, Pamela Cookey!
The Limitless ambassadors are from different schools, sports and areas of the country and we could not think of anyone better than Pamela to talk to them. Pamela spent the session with the Ambassadors, sharing her sporting story but also talking more about the pressures that come with competing at the highest level and what it takes to succeed. It was incredibly relevant for the Limitless ambassadors to hear how Pamela had managed both her academic work but also her sporting commitments. Pamela shared some top tips on how to keep everything manageable and under control.
We are so pleased that the ambassadors were so engaged throughout this programme with Pamela and we know that as an already driven and determined group of young people, there will be even more action after a very inspirational presentation this week.
As former England Netball captain and a successful career woman, Pamela was the perfect person to speak to the ambassadors about what it is like captaining a national squad but also the challenges that come with working as part of different teams and within different settings. As Limitless ambassadors, the young people involved in this programme already know the benefits of taking opportunities in sport and what that could lead to further down the line. It was so great to hear this point reinforced by Pamela, who spoke about how her setbacks and changes of direction both in sport and in her career have led to so many more opportunities for her.
The Ambassadors did a brilliant job of asking Pamela some brilliant questions about her sporting journey and how that could relate to their own journeys. Some of the best questions from the session were.
If you were still playing netball, who would you want to coach you?
How did you know that netball was the sport you really wanted to play?
Who has been your toughest opponent?
For most of us as players, we have spent a lot of time away from our sports. What will help us to gain more confidence when we are back in a game situation?
How did you identify your strengths and weaknesses from season to season?
What is your proudest moment?
You and Rachel Dunn are a great shooting partnership, if you could choose someone else to shoot with, who would it be?
How do I balance my schoolwork and sport commitments, especially when I have exams?
Who is your biggest role model in the sport?
How did you prepare for games?
As the former captain of the England Netball team and also as a successful career woman, Pamela talked a lot to the students about how her experiences in her ‘double life’ have led to where she is now and that everything happens for a reason. During this time of uncertainty and constant change for the Limitless ambassadors, it was great for them to hear about how Pamela had overcome those challenges but also could be inspired by the messages she delivered.
Pamela left the students with some final words of wisdom, “You have to find that thing that makes you really special and use it…Be the best version of yourself always!”
Thank you very much to our partners at Limitless for inviting us to speak to their ambassadors for this programme and for supporting Mintridge on lots of our other programmes that help to inspire young people from all walks of life.
To find out more about the Mintridge Foundation, or any of the other 300 programmes we have delivered across the country, please contact Katie at
The Mintridge Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to enhancing life skills in young people through sport. We provide a support network for young people by harnessing the power of positive sporting role models. The Mintridge Foundation assists young people of all ages, abilities, and physical capabilities to develop confidence and resilience, and creates awareness of the importance of mental and physical wellbeing through sport.
Our team of Ambassadors - Olympians, Paralympians and other professional sports stars from over 20 sports, both team and individual - work with young people in schools, clubs and academies across the UK. Starting with visits including assemblies, coaching clinics and classroom sessions tailored to each organisation’s requirements, our ambassadors can then provide one- on- one remote mentoring in a safeguarded environment, delivered via technology such as FitSwarm and Playwaze to build a lasting legacy for individuals.
The Mintridge Foundation’s successes demonstrate the incredible power of sport; from a mentee’s selection to represent Great Britain in their chosen field to enabling disabled children to find confidence and happiness just through participation. Understanding life after sport, we also support our Ambassadors in their transition from active sport to the next stage of their careers.